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Recommended Network

The cost-neutral Recommended Network connects the busiest parts of the city with the best possible bus service (every 15 minutes or better). On average, more people can get to more places sooner with this concept, so ridership will be higher.  But some places lose coverage.

Dark red lines arrive every 12 minutes

Red lines arrive every 15 minutes

Blue lines arrive every 30 minutes

Light blue lines arrive every 60 minutes

Recommended Network v3.png

Where we've been

The Recommended Network incorporates several changes based on public feedback received during the last public engagement process.  These changes include:

  • The addition of a new Route 23 – Millertown that would also serve O’Connor Senior Center, in addition to Broadway Towers, Washington Pike, and Wal Mart east.

  • Route changes to better serve Austin-East High School, Inskip Pool, and Main Street.

  • Temporary route adjustments until pedestrian infrastructure and traffic signal issues can be resolved, namely on Division Street and on Clinton Highway.   Once these infrastructure changes occur, the route will return to the original draft network routing.


With these changes, the overall plan increases frequencies to 15-minute service along Cumberland Avenue and Sutherland Avenue to Bearden, Magnolia Avenue, and from downtown out to the Food City on Western.  Sunday service improves dramatically, with more routes and better frequencies on several routes.


View the Pre-Covid Network Frequencies here.

View the Recommended Network Frequencies here.


The plan improves 45-minute job access by 16% for overall residents, 20% for low-income residents, and 24% for residents of color.   Sunday service improves under the plan, with nearly all routes available on Sunday and several with 30-minute service.


You can compare this network to the pre-pandemic network, which is here.

Questions? Go to the Connect page to send us a question.
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